New York Sky

Sunday, February 25, 2007

One week ago, it snowed in NY,Soon the whole city became a white world,everywhere was covered by snow.And the temperature was so low,the wind was blowing strongly. The sidewalk was so slippery,I slipped and fell on the ground. I had thought snow was so interesting and beautiful before,but now I felt it was so troubling and inconvenient for me,althoung I was so excited to see the snow for the first time. After that you must guess I come from the south area.It is right.I come from south of China,and it seems there is no winter season there because the temperature is so high,trees are green the whole year and have lots of flowers,so my city is also called flower city.There is no snow but most of the time it rains.I think the area is like California:hot weather,sunshine,beach and green trees.I really like such a warm place.In New York,it is still so cold now,I can not go anywhere freely and have to wear a lot of clothes.Because of this cold weather,everyone looks so arrogant and not easy going.It is a cool city and cool person,hence I think I like california, people smile at me and say hello to me. Anyway,sometimes I have to adjust to this place,maybe it is not so bad as I thought.


  • At 7:19 AM, Blogger Gail said…

    Hang in there Li, the warmer weather is coming soon! :) You have a few more postings to complete before class next week. You can do it!!
    I hope you are having a great break.

  • At 8:47 PM, Blogger Hieu said…

    Hi Delia!

    Can I ask you a question :D? Where did you live in China?

    You said that the place where you lived doesn't have the winter. I was curious about that, as I lived in hanoi (is under China) which is still have the winter.


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